Conferences & Seminars
Country risk, uncertainty, and MNE divestments of foreign subsidiaries, AIB Conference 2024, Seoul, South Korea
Antitrust and entrepreneurship: how leniency programs affect the formation and performance of new firms, DRUID Conference 2024, Nice, France
MNEs and startup growth, Reading IB Conference 2024, Reading, United Kingdom
Divestment and reinvestment in a foreign country: the role of ownership relationality, AIB Conference 2023, Warsaw, Poland
Divestment and reinvestment in a foreign country: the role of ownership relationality, EIBA Conference 2022, Oslo, Norway
Bridges over troubled water: incubators and start-ups' alliances, R&D Management Conference 2022, Trento, Italy
Divestment and re-investment choice in foreign markets: a comparison between family and nonfamily multinational enterprises, EIBA Conference 2021, Madrid, Spain
Divestment and re-investment choice in foreign markets: the role of ownership relationality, AiIG Annual Meeting 2021, Naples, Italy
Divestment and re-entry sequence by family vs. non-family multinational enterprises, SMS 41st Annual Conference 2021, Toronto, Canada
The effects of competition policy, regulatory quality and trust on inward FDI in host countries, EIBA Conference 2020, Wien, Austria.
Relational co-ownership, institutions and SOEs’ internationalization, EIBA Conference 2019, Leeds, United Kingdom
Family ownership and antitrust violations, Recent trends in firm organization and firm dynamics 2019, Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy
Antitrust and foreign direct investment, AiIG Annual Meeting 2019, Turin, Italy
Family ownership and antitrust violations, Corporate Finance Day 2019, Groningen, The Netherlands
Corporate ownership and antitrust violations, EARIE Conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Disinvestments and re-investments in foreign markets, IFERA Conference 2019, Bergamo, Italy
Disinvestments and re-investments in foreign markets, AiIG Annual Meeting 2018, Castellanza (VA), Italy
Governance of family firms and entry mode choice in foreign markets, Workshop on internationalization and innovation of family firms 2018, Trento, Italy
Governance of family firms and entry mode choice in foreign markets, EIBA Conference 2017, Milan, Italy
Governance and cognitive architecture in family firms: the impact on entry strategies in foreign markets, PDW 2017 organized by the Journal of Management Studies, Denver, United States
Incentives to water conservation: comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences, AiIG Annual Meeting 2016, Bergamo, Italy
Water saving: Do residential consumers respond to price? The role of informal institutions, WINIR Annual Meeting 2016, Boston, United States
Water saving: Do residential consumers respond to price? A meta-analysis, AiIG Annual Meeting 2015, Vicenza, Italy
Municipalities and monopoly franchising. An empirical analysis of calls for tenders in Italian gas distribution, IPF 2014, Milan, Italy
One more ride on the merry-go-round! Public ownership and delayed competition in local public services, AiIG Annual Meeting 2014, Bologna, Italy
Public ownership and competition for the market: Evidence from the Italian gas distribution sector, NERI Workshop 2014, Pavia, Italy
Why do Local Governments Resist Contracting out?, AiIG Annual Meeting 2013, Milan, Italy
A duration model analysis of restructuring decisions in Italian gas distribution, PAC 2011, Birmingham, United Kingdom
A duration model analysis of restructuring decisions in Italian gas distribution, EGPA 2011, Bucharest, Romania
City objective and monopoly franchising. An empirical analysis of calls for tenders in Italian gas distribution, Infraday 2009, Berlin, Germany
Electricity and service quality in the electricity distribution sector – AiIG Annual Meeting 2009, Udine, Italy
Invited seminars
Uncertainty and divestment in foreign countries, Henley Business School, University of Reading, September 27, 2023, IBS Lunchtime Research Seminar
Varieties of capitalism and the internationalization of state-owned enterprises, Sapienza University of Rome, July 4, 2017, MORE@DIAG Seminar series
Barriers and drivers in the adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies: a comparative analysis of Italian utilities, University of Insubria, June 8, 2016, Economics of Innovation Seminar series
Invited talks
State owned enterprises in the theories of the firm, “Giornata di studio e di festa per Sergio Mariotti”, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, November 21, 2018.